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Financial Intelligence

ALCO Decision Making—Making the Right Decisions at the Right Time

Presented by Frank L. Farone, Managing Director of Darling Consulting Group (DCG)

In a period of slow economic growth, many credit unions face unprecedented challenges. Pressure on net interest margins, declining fee revenues, and heightened operating regulatory expenses all have contributed to the decline in bottom-line income and stress on capital levels. However, as we are seemingly exiting this point of the interest rate cycle and entering a period of stronger economic growth, questions arise on how to best position your balance sheet for success with the prospect of rising interest rates. Watch the webinar to learn about credit union strategies and tactics to tackle the challenges that lie ahead.

Webinar topics include:

  • Options to reduce risk and optimize bottom-line earnings in the face of rising interest rates
  • Robust interest rate risk modeling and balance sheet strategies, including assumptions and common, costly mistakes
  • Insight on interest rate sensitivity from the perspective of regulators, how to satisfy concerns, and challenge some “flawed” perceptions
  • Enhance CRA performance
  • Leverage strategy solutions to fend off deterioration of fee income and margin compression

About Frank Farone

Frank L. Farone is a frequent and very popular presenter at financial services conferences nationwide, and has developed training programs for organizations such as CUNA, NCUA, and the Financial Managers Society (FMS). Frank was designated a “top-rated” speaker by FMS and is well known for his popular seminar “Turbo Charging Your ALCO Process,” having helped thousands of financial managers and directors across the country.

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