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SBRG Success Stories

SBRG Program allowed members such as, the Unilever FCU to play an active and responsive role in their communities

The Small Business Recovery Grant (SBRG) Program provides members with an opportunity to increase their support of the small businesses and organizations within their community during the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, The Che Paul Salon and Sedona Taphouse – both located in Cliffside, New Jersey – each received $10,000 SBRG Program grants from the Unilever Federal Credit Union, allowing these two neighborhood staples to remain open, keep staff employed and serve their community throughout this unprecedented time. Check out the full story.

Video curated and produced by Linda McCue
The SBRG Program is intended to support the financial security and health of workers employed by organizations that have suffered a decrease in revenue as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.

SBRG Success Stories

Member: Schuyler Savings Bank
Project Name: Small Business Recovery Grant Program (SBRG)
Recipients: Pathways to Independence
Member: Finger Lakes Federal Credit Union
Project Name: Small Business Recovery Grant (SBRG) Program
Recipients: Local Small Business Community